"Salesforce Ideas is the world's first on-demand application that enables the wisdom of crowds to drive business innovation. Based on the idea popularized by the consumer Web on the power of the collective ideas of a group, salesforce.com launched its own live community called IdeaExchange a year ago, sparking a new era of transparent community collaboration. Salesforce.com's IdeaExchange has changed the face of product development by empowering the salesforce.com customer and partner community to shape future product releases through an ongoing, live public debate. To date, more than 5,000 ideas have been posted, with 92,000 promotions, and numerous ideas have been incorporated into salesforce.com and partner applications."
Now they have made it available to their customers.
"Now salesforce.com is bringing this same power of community-based innovation to its customers with Salesforce Ideas, enabling them to build their own on-demand communities with their employees, customers, partners or prospects. Every company has internal and external communities that know the business, generate ideas, and can serve as a company's innovation engine. Salesforce Ideas allows companies to unleash the power of these communities to improve their business and to deepen valued relationships. For the first time, companies can tap into customers, employees and partners across divisions, organizations, and boundaries to drive the best ideas and innovations for their business."
I am a big fan of the wisdom of crowds as an innovation process input among others.
You can read the CNN Money article here.
chk this out too! -
http://getincreo.com/ http://getbackboard.com/ http://blog.increosolutions.com/
Thanks for writing this.
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